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    發(fā)布時間:  2012/8/23 16:43:55

    ORA-00904:    invalid column name 無效列名
    ORA-00942:  table or view does not exist 表或者視圖不存在-

    ORA-01400:  cannot insert NULL into () 不能將空值插入
    ORA-00936: 缺少表達式
    ORA-00933: SQL 命令未正確結(jié)束
    ORA-01722: 無效數(shù)字:(一般可能是企圖將字符串類型的值填入數(shù)字型而造成)
    Your program attempts to assign values to the attributes of an uninitialized (atomically null) object.
    None of the choices in the WHEN clauses of a CASE statement is selected, and there is no ELSE clause.
    Your program attempts to apply collection methods other than EXISTS to an uninitialized (atomically null)
    nested table or varray, or the program attempts to assign values to the elements of an uninitialized nested
    table or varray.
    Your program attempts to open an already open cursor. A cursor must be closed before it can be reopened. A
    cursor FOR loop automatically opens the cursor to which it refers. So, your program cannot open that cursor
    inside the loop.
    Your program attempts to store duplicate values in a database column that is constrained by a unique index.
    ORA-01001: INVALID_CURSOR 無效指針
    Your program attempts an illegal cursor operation such as closing an unopened cursor.
    ORA-01722: INVALID_NUMBER 無效數(shù)字
    In a SQL statement, the conversion of a character string into a number fails because the string does not
    represent a valid number. (In procedural statements, VALUE_ERROR is raised.) This exception is also raised
    when the LIMIT-clause expression in a bulk FETCH statement does not evaluate to a positive number.
    ORA-01017: LOGIN_DENIED 拒絕訪問
    Your program attempts to log on to Oracle with an invalid username and/or password.
    ORA-01403: NO_DATA_FOUND 無數(shù)據(jù)發(fā)現(xiàn)
    A SELECT INTO statement returns no rows, or your program references a deleted element in a nested table or
    an uninitialized element in an index-by table. SQL aggregate functions such as AVG and SUM always return a
    value or a null. So, a SELECT INTO statement that calls an aggregate function never raises NO_DATA_FOUND.
    The FETCH statement is expected to return no rows eventually, so when that happens, no exception is raised.

    ORA-01012: NOT_LOGGED_ON   未登錄
    Your program issues a database call without being connected to Oracle.

    ORA-06501: PROGRAM_ERROR 程序錯誤
    PL/SQL has an internal problem.

    ORA-06504: ROWTYPE_MISMATCH 行類型不匹配
    The host cursor variable and PL/SQL cursor variable involved in an assignment have incompatible return types.
    For example, when an open host cursor variable is passed to a stored subprogram, the return types of the
    actual and formal parameters must be compatible.

    ORA-30625: SELF_IS_NULL
    Your program attempts to call a MEMBER method on a null instance. That is, the built-in parameter SELF
    (which is always the first parameter passed to a MEMBER method) is null.

    ORA-06500: STORAGE_ERROR 存儲錯誤
    PL/SQL runs out of memory or memory has been corrupted.
    ORA-06533: SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT   子句超出數(shù)量
    Your program references a nested table or varray element using an index number larger than the number of
    elements in the collection.

    ORA-06532: SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT   子句非法數(shù)量
    Your program references a nested table or varray element using an index number (-1 for example) that is
    outside the legal range.

    ORA-01410: SYS_INVALID_ROWID   無效的字段名
    The conversion of a character string into a universal rowid fails because the character string does not
    represent a valid rowid.

    ORA-00051: TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE    資源等待超時
    A time-out occurs while Oracle is waiting for a resource.

    ORA-01422: TOO_MANY_ROWS    返回超過一行
    A SELECT INTO statement returns more than one row.

    ORA-06502: VALUE_ERROR   值錯誤
    An arithmetic, conversion, truncation, or size-constraint error occurs. For example, when your program selects
    a column value into a character variable, if the value is longer than the declared length of the variable,
    PL/SQL aborts the assignment and raises VALUE_ERROR. In procedural statements, VALUE_ERROR is raised if the
    conversion of a character string into a number fails. (In SQL statements, INVALID_NUMBER is raised.)

    ORA-01476: ZERO_DIVIDE 除0錯誤



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